
When launching a business, there are a million and one things to do. You need to raise money, hire staff, develop a marketing strategy, and the list goes on. But before you do any of that, you should choose a business entity structure.  This decision will have important legal and...

Amazingly Profitable Types of Programs

One of the first questions prospective business owners ask is, "What type of business should I form?" The legal aspects of forming a business are often the most intimidating to new entrepreneurs, and it causes people to give up before they ever get started. Choosing a type of business doesn't...

Phasellus justo lacus, mattis at elit eu, laoreet vestibulum mi. Fusce consectetur nec ligula non fermentum. Nullam dictum erat eget eros luctus porta. Sed sit amet nisl a ante ultrices pulvinar ac vulputate nulla. Quisque ac iaculis dolor. Nullam ut efficitur lectus. Sed non tellus neque. Quisque consectetur quam sapien,...

Donec dignissim, odio eget consectetur suscipit, libero lectus dignissim tellus, nec tristique felis velit a risus. Integer sodales tellus ut dui iaculis sollicitudin. Fusce elementum, diam sit amet consectetur venenatis, massa nisl viverra lectus, ac varius magna odio id arcu. Pellentesque egestas ante justo, nec fermentum arcu egestas fringilla. Suspendisse...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ut ligula quam. Curabitur in mollis odio. Donec fringilla blandit quam, ut pulvinar eros molestie sed. Fusce vel eros risus. Proin malesuada imperdiet commodo. Nulla pharetra erat at neque congue, id tincidunt eros ultrices. Suspendisse sit amet pulvinar nunc. In vehicula...

Our goal is maximising flexibility of ownership structure considering the unique needs of the business as well as personal requirement of the owner(s). Individual requirements are a prime consideration here - no two situations are the same; particularly if multiple owners are involved. On the basis of goals and the...